About the Film
Aussie Chuk-gu Dream is more than just a football film, despite what the title may suggest.
The documentary features two young Australian-Korean football players: Blacktown City FC’s Danny Choi, 21, and Sydney United 58 FC's Sunny Chang, 16.
Both Choi and Chang show promising futures and dream of pursing professional football - or 'chuk-gu' as Koreans fondly call the sport.
But their story highlights how their passion for the world game is bridging the cultural differences between Australians and Koreans today.
The documentary, which premiered at Parramatta’s Riverside Theatres on October 11 as part of the inaugural Football Film Festival, further delves into the sacrifices of first generation Australian-Korean immigrants and the current struggles faced by the second generation.
From overcoming language barriers to resettlement in a foreign country, the film gives a raw account on some of the pain which Choi and Chang's parents endured when they first came to Australia.
Director Jae Yong Ahn, of Mickle Productions, believes the stories behind the young football players resonates with most Australian-Koreans today.
"I think we’re going through a transitional phase of the old and the new generation and that’s what I wanted to portray through these soccer players," he said during a forum following the premiere of the film.
Aussie Chuk-gu Dream, funded by the Australian Korean Foundation, was a collaboration between Mickle Production, Korean Soccer Association Australia and Red Elephant Projects.
By Sally Lee, Parramatta Sun